Mar Solís (Madrid, 1967), graduated in Fine Arts, specialising in sculpture, from the Complutense University of Madrid.
She has hosted a number of individual samples between 1997 to the present day. Her most notorious projects are “La Línea, la Curva, la Elipse” (The Line, the Curve and the Elypse), Instituto Valenciano de Arte Moderno (IVAM); “The Tale of unknowing Island”, Frost Art Museum, Miami; “Encuentros en el Espacio” (Encounters in Space), Museo de Arte Contemporáneo
Eduardo Sívori, Buenos Aires; “Cuadernos de Viaje Madrid – Damasco” (Travel log Madrid-Damasco), Instituto Cervantes of Damascus, Syria; “Los Vértices de la Vibración” (The Vertices of Vibration), Arco’ 09 Contemporary Art Fair, El Mundo stand; “El Cielo Abierto” (The Open Skies), Barjola Museum of Gijón, Asturias; “Rincones Escogidos” (Chosen Places), Pimentel Palace, Valladolid, among others.
Her work is permanently exhibited in different collections, among which we can highlight: Fundación Alberto Jiménez de Arellano Alonso, Valencian Institute of Modern Art IVAM, Madrid City Council, Community of Madrid, Ministry of the Environment and Tiflológico Museum.
Winner, among other of the First Prize of Sculpture of Art Caja Madrid “Generation 2003”; “Ojo crítico-Segundo Milenio” of Plastic Arts National Radio of Spain; First Prize in the Caja de Extremadura International Sculpture Competition; and First Prize of Sculpture “Mariano Benlliure” Villa de Madrid. Her public works can be found, among other spaces, in the Parque de los Charcones, Navalcarnero, Madrid; Casa de la Cultura de Navacerrada, Madrid; Ceutí City Council, Murcia; Kasklauttanen Outdoor Sculpture Park, Lapland; and Kyonggido Outdoor Sculpture Park, South Korea.